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Democratic Radio: Happy Holidays PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Friday, 28 December 2018 16:09

new-year-happyMADISON - Rep. Chris Taylor of Madison represents Wisconsin Assembly Democrats with a holiday address.

Audio File of Radio Address

The complete text of Chris Taylor's message is presented below.

chris-taylorHello. I am State Representative Chris Taylor with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

The holidays are a time to come together with family and friends to enjoy good food and good conversation. Those conversations can provide an opportunity to discuss the issues that matter most to you.

For me, and for Wisconsin Democrats, these issues include access to quality, affordable health care, sustainably funding our public education system, protecting our precious natural resources, and investing in our state’s infrastructure for future generations to come.

The holidays are also a time to reflect on the year that has passed and to look forward to the New Year.

2018 held both successes and challenges for the people of Wisconsin.

Most notably, Wisconsin elected a new leader in Governor-elect Tony Evers.

Democrats are looking forward to 2019. We are eager and ready to get back to work, addressing the issues that are important to you, the residents of Wisconsin.

Democrats in Wisconsin have not forgotten that we were elected to be your voice in the State Capitol and nothing is more important to us, than making sure government is for you, not powerful politicians.

That is why I encourage you, now more than ever, to contact your elected officials and share your thoughts on how to move Wisconsin forward.

Whether it’s by calling your local school board members or contacting your State Representative or State Senator, we want to know which issues matter most to you.

I would like to personally thank everyone who has taken time over the last year to share their thoughts with myself and my colleagues. I want you to know your voices were heard.

Finally, I want to wish everyone a happy holidays and a wonderful and healthy New Year.

Thank you.

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