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Wisc Democracy Campaign "Walker’s Weasel Words" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 14 December 2018 19:18

wdc-logoI read Walker’s explanation about how he was approaching the lame-duck bills myself, and it was truly nauseating.

MADISON - It’s not every day that three staff members tell me that I ought to write a column about the same subject, but that happened this week after Gov. Walker posted a long explanation about how he was approaching the lame-duck bills.

So I read Walker’s posting myself, and it was truly nauseating. And when I’m feeling nauseous, I need to get it out of my system, and writing is the way I do it. Take a look:

Walker, the Weasel

matt-rothschildAlso this week, we did some research on the raft of appointees Walker recently named, and here’s what we found:

Walker Appointees Gave His Campaign $16K+

Now and again, I come upon a terrific column that I share on Facebook and that I’d also like to share with you. Here’s an example: Jim Rowen’s indictment of the anti-democratic elitism of Speaker Vos and Majority Leader Fitzgerald:

The Walkerites' Unbearable and Dangerous Elitism

I hope you like these columns.


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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