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Republican Lawmakers Are Traitors to Democracy PDF Print E-mail
Written by Randall Schumann, Madison   
Monday, 10 December 2018 14:39

walker-signs-budget-2015Madison citizen has low opinion of Republican lame duck session "power grab".

MADISON - Walker, Vos and Fitzgerald, as well as every Republican legislator that voted to advance the lame duck session "power grab" legislation overruling the decision by voters who chose Tony Evers and Josh Kaul to exercise all the existing powers of the Governor and Attorney General in Wisconsin, have demonstrated that they are Traitors to Democracy.

That label will be your enduring legacy for the rest of your natural lives and one which also will make your political lives much shorter. That will be because Wisconsin voters, whether they are Democrats, Progressives or are fair-minded Republicans disgusted by what the GOP powers-that-be have done to the Republican Party, will together rid Wisconsin of every one of you in the next election.

Furthermore, your actions in forcing through lame duck legislation overruling Wisconsin voters' decisions in the November election will lead to the downfall of the Republican party in Wisconsin. That is because you will have demonstrated to even Wisconsin voters who consider themselves Republicans, that no Republican politician can be trusted because they will not represent the decisions -- or the interests -- of voters.

Wisconsin voters will not forget. You Traitors of Democracy have sealed your own fate.

Randall Schumann
Madison, Wisconsin

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