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Trump and the Politics of Hate PDF Print E-mail
Written by Randall Schumann, Madison   
Thursday, 01 November 2018 16:05

donald-trumpFormer attorney for the State of WI's agency regulating the securities & investment industry says Wisconsin voters, Democrats, Independents and Republicans, need to reject the Trump Politics of Hate.

MADISON - Trump is the personification of the politics of hate. And Wisconsin politicians who seek or accept Trump's endorsement are part of the Trump Politics of Hate "Flock."

Ever since Donald Trump emerged as a Republican candidate and then later became President, he has espoused and led a divisive, "National Politics of Hate." As evidenced by his labeling of Mexicans as "criminals and rapists," by his attacking the entirety of Muslim nations as "terrorists," labeling African nations as "sh**hole countries," enacting a policy of separating families of asylum-seekers, relishing that a grand wizard of the white-supremacist Ku Klux Klan admires and supports Trump's policies, tweeting anti-Semitic images from a right-wing message board, and being an apologist for rioting neo-Nazis in Charlottesville.

pittsburgh-synagogue-shootingAmerica has seen the consequences of Trump's Politics of Hate in the events during the last week of pipe bombs sent by an extremist Trump supporter to prominent Democratic leaders as well as a deadly "hate crime" mass shooting in a Pittsburgh Jewish synagogue. The parallels of Trump's Politics of Hate to the the rise of Nazism under Hitler are striking.

On the basis of the principle everyone knows to be true that "birds of a feather flock together," it follows that every Republican politician who seeks or accepts Trump's endorsement means that they support his Politics of Hate and are willing participants in his "Flock". And that they therefore reject the principles the United States of America was founded upon in the Declaration of Independence that "all persons are created equal with the unalienable rights of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," as well as the protections of the Constitution's Bill of Rights and its subsequent amendments including "equal protection" for all citizens.

As a result, it means that Wisconsin Republican politicians like Scott Walker and Leah Vukmir, as well as any other Republican politician that seeks or accepts Trump's endorsement, are part of the Trump Politics of Hate "Flock." Consequently, voters -- whether they be Democrats, Independents or Republicans -- who reject the Trump Politics of Hate, need to reject in the upcoming election as well as in the future, every politician who seeks or accepts Trump's endorsement.


Randall Schumann is a retired career attorney for the State of WI's agency regulating the securities & investment industry, including investigating & assisting prosecution of criminal investment fraud.

Last Updated on Thursday, 01 November 2018 16:53
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