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Laura Kiefert: End false political advertising PDF Print E-mail
Written by Laura Kiefert, Green Bay Progressive   
Tuesday, 23 October 2018 10:03

attack-ad-eversThe worst are funded by political action committees like Restoration PAC and Americas PAC, along with out-of-state special interest Koch brothers groups. We need to support campaign finance regulations that ensure truth.

GREEN BAY, WI - Once again, we are being bombarded with negative political ads, often filled with half-truths and outright lies. I am disgusted by the attack ads being levied this year against gubernatorial candidate Tony Evers and Senate candidate Tammy Baldwin.

laura-kiefertThe most egregious ads are funded by political action committees like Restoration PAC and Americas PAC, along with out-of-state special interest Koch brothers groups. They have spent millions on negative false advertisements designed to promote their conservative agendas. Their philosophy that "the end justifies the means" continues to threaten, and possibly destroy, our democracy.

Unfortunately, Wisconsin allows a candidate to petition donors asking them to contribute unlimited money to a third-party group that can then spend anonymously on the candidate’s behalf. This allows the candidates like Scott Walker and Leah Vukmir to trash their opponents without being held personally responsible for the content of the ad.

We need to overturn Citizens United and be smart about what we see and hear, be vigilant in researching outrageous claims in these ads and demand candidates promote themselves and their values and only compare themselves to opponents with fairness and facts.

Media outlets need to be more concerned about content and truth than their profit and apply the same rules and regulations requiring honesty and factual proof of claims to political ads that is required for brand advertising.

Finally, elected officials need to clean this mess up. Wisconsinites need to support campaign finance regulations that ensure truth, transparency and integrity in all advertising.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 24 October 2018 14:02
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