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Voter purge surge, (In)Justice Kavanaugh, and more PDF Print E-mail
Written by LegitAction Team   
Saturday, 13 October 2018 14:14

vote-legit-pollingBreaking: Sorry, This Polling Place Is VIPs Only

MADISON, WI - Looks like Republican secretaries of state are competing to see who can make it hardest to vote in 2018. Brian Kemp, who happens to also be the Republican candidate for governor in Georgia, is currently under fire (and lawsuit) for freezing more than 53,000 registration applications from (mostly black) voters. And Indiana’s Connie Lawson was just caught red-handed using the notoriously illegitimate Crosscheck tool to purge thousands of voters -- in violation of a court order.

brett-kavanaugh-trumpBoth episodes cap off years of Kemp and Lawson and likeminded Republicans purging hundreds of thousands of voters in their respective states. But the goalposts just moved now that Republican loyalist Brett Kavanaugh sits on the Supreme Court. Not only will Kavanaugh help conservatives preserve illegitimate laws already on the books, like they just did with a discriminatory North Dakota voter ID measure, they’re also certain to sit back while red states like Georgia and Indiana race to take their years-long voter suppression campaigns to new extremes.

The Fight For Legitimacy Marches On

“Each and every Republican who votes for Kavanaugh, therefore, effectively announces that they care more about controlling the Supreme Court than they do about the legitimacy of the Court itself.”

And the American people won’t forget.

There’s only one thing to do after watching Trump and Republicans trample all over the Supreme Court’s legitimacy: vote. Don’t know how to register? Or the best way to vote? Here are the rules in all 50 states plus D.C. Read more >>

More than 20 states have laws that enable private citizens to quietly challenge large numbers of voter registrations at once. And you better believe Republican vigilantes are taking advantage -- like Alan Vera, a local GOP committee chair who got his Texas county to suspend 1,700 voters without notice. Read more >>


LegitAction News is a semimonthly roundup of the biggest news affecting the four pillars of our democratic legitimacy: the right to vote, the popular vote, campaign finance reform, and the Supreme Court.

Last Updated on Saturday, 13 October 2018 14:32
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