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"Follow the $$ in State Senate Races" Wisc Democracy Campaign PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 05 October 2018 09:57

matthew_rothschildLatest information available on the money trail in our state senate elections and more

MADISON - Our indefatigable data analyst, David Julseth, has updated our website with the latest information available (provided at the end of August) on the money trail in our state senate elections.

Here’s the money raised, spent, and on hand by the candidates themselves:

Campaign finances updated for state senate candidates on the November ballot

Here’s the outside spending by groups:

Outside spending in Wisconsin Senate races

And you can find what each state senate candidate is getting from PACs by entering the candidate’s name in the box once you click on this link:

PAC contributions updated for state senate candidates on the November ballot

Our research director, Mike Buelow, also posted an item about the giant frac-sand company whose CEO is a big Walker donor and who managed to escape a fine:

Sand mine owner and GOP donor gets no fine from DNR for spill

And hey, if you’re in the Milwaukee or Tosa area tomorrow (Saturday), I’ll be speaking at 12:45 at the Underwood Memorial Baptist Church, 1916 N. Wauwatosa Ave, on why we need to ban gerrymandering in Wisconsin. Read more on the Wauwatosa Fair Maps Town Hall here and please tell your friends.


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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