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Martha Laning on Labor Day PDF Print E-mail
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin   
Monday, 03 September 2018 21:13

unionworkersMADISON -- The following is a statement from Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning on the significance of Labor Day.

martha-laning“This Labor Day, I’m so grateful for the hard work and determination of leaders before us who fought tooth and nail for the rights of our nation’s working people. The Democratic Party has been proud to stand beside the workers of Wisconsin through some of the toughest fights our state has seen. And we will stand arm in arm together as we build a better future for our families and our communities.

“We remain committed as ever to fighting for a living minimum wage, for ensuring working people have the ability to organize for better working conditions, for equal pay guarantees and for workplaces free of discrimination. We all do better when we all do better, and that means making sure hardworking Wisconsinites have a fair shot at getting ahead.”

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