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Roys Backs Midwest Paper Group’s Investment in the Fox Valley PDF Print E-mail
Written by Kelda for Governor, Brian Evans   
Saturday, 04 August 2018 15:22

appleton-coatedDemocratic candidate for Governor thanks the United Steelworkers who led the fight to keep the mill open.

MADISON, WI - Democratic gubernatorial candidate Kelda Roys released the following statement on the Midwest Paper Group’s investment in the Fox Valley and creation of over 300 jobs at the former Appleton Coated facility in Combined Locks:

kelda-roys“I thank the Midwest Paper Group - I'm thrilled to see them double-down on their investment in the Fox Valley. I would also like to commend the workers and a community that fought back against difficult odds and saved this 129-year-old mill.

“It's important to recognize that Governor Walker and his administration did almost nothing to help and were nowhere to be found when the chips were down and Appleton Coated was fighting to stay alive. It took an election year and bad poll numbers for the governor to suddenly take interest in Appleton Coated, Kimberly Clark, and the paper industry. That's not leadership.

"I want to thank - from the bottom of my heart - the United Steelworkers (USW) who led the fight to keep the mill open. Without their leadership, perseverance and commitment to community, Governor Walker and a room full of politicians up for re-election would not be able to bask in unearned limelight and take undeserved credit."


Kelda Roys, 39, is a small business owner, attorney, former state representative, and past head of NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin who has been standing up for women and families throughout her career. In the Assembly, she stood out as an influential and effective lawmaker, delivering results for working families and helping lead the opposition to Governor Scott Walker’s divisive agenda. As a parent and step-parent of four girls, Roys will fight for paid family leave, affordable childcare, great schools, and quality healthcare for all. In a year in which Wisconsin voters are ready for change, Kelda Roys provides the clearest contrast to Scott Walker.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 08 August 2018 16:09
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