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Democratic Radio "Suicide Awareness" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Bridget Esser   
Thursday, 07 June 2018 14:20

opioid-overdoseSen. Patty Schachtner talks about the issue of suicide and how we have to invest in mental health resources.

MADISON, WI – Senator Patty Schachtner (D-Somerset) offered the weekly Democratic radio address today.

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here.

A written transcript of the address is below:

“Hi, I’m State Senator Patty Schachtner with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

“Suicide is an issue that touches every Wisconsin community. It affects our families, our students, and our colleagues. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in our nation, with 121 Americans dying by suicide each day.

“As a medical examiner, I work closely with law enforcement to investigate deaths and speak with families. I know that each death by suicide creates a ripple effect that touches family, friends, and neighbors.

“I also know that these deaths are preventable and that we can do more to reach people who are struggling.

“That’s why I supported legislation to provide funding for a 24/7 text-based suicide prevention hotline.

“It is why I partner with schools not just to implement trauma-informed care, but to create trauma-responsive communities.

“In the next legislative session, we have an opportunity to expand access to mental health resources, and reduce the number of deaths by suicide.

“One priority is to join 34 other states and expand Medicaid, which can save Wisconsin taxpayers millions of dollars and ensure more people have access to health care at the same time.

“Another is to revisit the Medicaid reimbursement rate for services offered during a mental health emergency detention.

“Moving forward means that we need to invest in our priorities. That means investing in mental health resources.

“Thank you.”

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