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Kelda Roys: “Walker and Pence Divide Wisconsinites with Bigotry” PDF Print E-mail
Written by Kelda for Governor Press   
Wednesday, 25 April 2018 15:23

mike-penceWalker follows Pence on road to extreme policies.

MADISON, WI - In response to Vice President Mike Pence’s visit to Wisconsin to fundraise for Gov. Scott Walker, Democratic gubernatorial candidate and former executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin Kelda Roys criticized Pence’s record and Walker for extending an invitation to him:

kelda-roys“By inviting Vice President Pence to our state, Scott Walker is continuing his cynical politics of divide and conquer,” said Roys. “Both men have fought to restrict women’s rights while opposing equality and dignity for LGBTQ Badgers and Hoosiers. We deserve leaders who work to bring people together - not those who use their power to deny the rights of others.”

Below are a few lowlights of Pence’s time in politics, followed by instances of Walker echoing Pence’s extreme policies.

Women's Health

  • Pence launched the Republican war on Planned Parenthood, which has closed numerous clinics and denied women basic healthcare

    • Walker joined this war and helped close more than a quarter of clinics in Wisconsin

  • Pence tried to redefine the word rape in an effort to deny women who were the victims of sexual assault access to abortion services

    • Walker signed a 20-week abortion ban, with no exception for rape LGBT Freedom

  • Pence worked to ban same-sex marriage in the constitutions of Indiana and the United States

    • Walker voted to ban same-sex marriage in the Wisconsin constitution and opposed providing healthcare to same-sex partners while Milwaukee County Executive

  • Pence signed a bill that would allow businesses to discriminate against LGBT Hoosiers

    • Walker was asked if he would commit not to try to pass a similar law, but he refused to

“The extremist policies of Pence and Walker cause real harm to families all over our country,” added Roys. “Both men have attacked survivors of sexual assault, worked to deny vital women health care, and fought against freedom and fairness for LGBTQ people.

“Pence and Walkers’ attacks on our friends, family, and freedom are not what Wisconsinites want from our government. I’m running for governor to restore opportunity and fairness to Wisconsin by investing in small businesses, raising wages, expanding access to healthcare, and treating all Wisconsinites with the respect and dignity we deserve.”


Roys, 38, is a small business owner, attorney, former state representative, and past head of NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin who has been standing up for women and families throughout her career. In the Assembly, she stood out as an influential and effective lawmaker, delivering results for working families and helping lead the opposition to Governor Scott Walker’s divisive agenda. As a parent and step-parent of four girls, Roys will fight for paid family leave, affordable childcare, great schools, and quality healthcare for all. In a year in which Wisconsin voters are ready for change, Kelda Roys provides the clearest contrast to Scott Walker.

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