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Wisc Democracy Campaign "Victory Today, Vote Tuesday!" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Saturday, 31 March 2018 16:17

matthew_rothschildMatt Rothschild comments on last week's special elections fight, and the big election coming next Tuesday, April 3.

MADISON - I spent much of the last week writing about, speaking about, and testifying on the brazen effort by Walker and Fitzgerald to get around the law requiring special elections in Assembly District 42 and Senate District 1.

Here’s the testimony I gave at the State Capitol yesterday:

Testimony against GOP proposed change to special elections law

Then this morning it became clear that Walker and Fitzgerald were throwing in the towel, so here’s what I wrote in celebration of this win:

Sweet victory for democracy in Wisconsin!

I’d like to remind you that there’s a big election this coming Tuesday, April 3.

One of the races is for the Wisconsin Supreme Court, and here’s what the candidates themselves have raised this year:

High court candidates raised $1.2M+ since Jan. 1

There’s also the big statewide referendum to eliminate the office of the State Treasurer. Please vote NO on this one:

Vote no on state treasurer referendum

And there are 9 local referendums around the state to amend the U.S. Constitution to overturn Citizens United and proclaim that corporations aren’t persons and money isn’t speech:

It’s on the ballot in Green and St. Croix counties.

It’s also on the ballot in the cities of La Crosse, Marshfield, Rice Lake, and Sun Prairie.

It’s on the ballot in the villages of McFarland and Wittenberg.

And it’s on the ballot in the town of Sand Creek in Dunn County.

Please vote in favor of it.

See you at the polls!


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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Last Updated on Saturday, 31 March 2018 16:28
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