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Wisc Democracy Campaign "Koch volunteer sinks marine sanctuary" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 23 March 2018 15:43

lake-michigan-shoreMADISON - When Scott Walker pulled a 180 on the Lake Michigan Marine Sanctuary, I wondered who got to him. Here’s what I found out:

Koch volunteer of the year helps sink Wisconsin marine sanctuary

As the legislature wraps up, here is some of the dirty work it just did:

GOP Senate approves landlord dream bill

Senate approves Sheldon Adelson’s anti-BDS bill

And in these next three posts, you can see how the GOP has a tremendous advantage in the money race:

Corporate contributions to state parties, legislative committees topped $1M in 2017

GOP lawmakers led Dems in fundraising, cash on hand in 2017

GOP legislative campaign committees outraised Dems 2:1

On the good news front, a grassroots movement is gaining steam here in Wisconsin to reclaim our democracy by tossing out the legal fallacies that corporations are persons and money isn’t speech:

9 Wisconsin communities voting April 3 to overturn Citizens United

If you know anyone in these nine communities, please urge them to vote YES on this crucial referendum. Forward to a Friend


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

P.S. Early voting has already started, so go to your clerk’s office if you can. You can find your clerk and see what is on your ballot here. And please vote NO on the referendum to get rid of the State Treasurer’s office. I’ll be writing more on that next week. Thanks!

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