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Sen. Larson "Republicans Again Did Nothing to Address Gun Violence" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Chris Larson, State Senator, District 7   
Wednesday, 21 March 2018 13:50

school-gunsGun violence has touched all Americans and our students asked us for real solutions. In the end, those in power chose to ignore them and hope they go away.

MILWAUKEE, WI – Today, my Democratic colleagues and I offered common sense amendments to reduce gun violence and to take real steps to prevent gun deaths in Wisconsin. Students from all over the country are telling us two simple truths, that guns are killing their classmates and that we need to stop selling dangerous guns to dangerous people. Republican legislators ignored those students by rejecting these amendments.

chris-larsonThey rejected an amendment I offered which would have prevented individuals convicted of domestic violence from purchasing and possessing firearms. We know that violence tends to escalate and when domestic abusers are allowed to buy and possess firearms there can be tragic results. The fact is that with this vote, Republican legislators support allowing a dangerously violent person to purchase and own guns.

They even rejected an amendment that would require universal background checks for all gun purchases. Most of our neighbors are shocked to find out this isn’t already law.

Republicans also rejected reinstating the 48 hour waiting period for handgun purchases. This cooling off period would reduce both homicides and suicides. By eliminating this waiting period two years ago we, as a state, caved to the gun manufacturers lobby at the expense of our citizens. Senate Republicans chose to accept more needless gun deaths and their inaction will only increase the body count.

Gun violence has touched all Americans. We need to acknowledge that this epidemic is uniquely an American problem. Today, my colleagues and I gave legislative Republicans ample opportunity to take real action to prevent more firearm tragedies, to help stem the tide of violence, and to give our neighbors and students what they asked us for: real solutions. In the end, those in power chose to ignore them and hope they go away.

They won’t.


Senator Chris Larson released this statement late Tuesday night on Republican inaction on the epidemic of gun violence on the last day of session.

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