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Taylor, Crowley: Juvenile Corrections Reforms Can’t Come Quick Enough PDF Print E-mail
Written by State Senate Democrats   
Wednesday, 21 March 2018 10:55

boy-in-docMilwaukee Legislators say plan is real step, necessary reforms to our troubled juvenile justice system.

MADISON – The Wisconsin State Senate reached a deal Tuesday to overhaul the juvenile justice system that garnered bi-partisan support. In response, Senator Lena Taylor (D-Milwaukee) and Representative David Crowley (D-Milwaukee) released the following statements:

lena-taylor“People were put in place in juvenile corrections, to provide checks and balances. They failed to do their job. Youth in our correctional facilities have been abused and staff have been harmed”, said Taylor. “It shouldn’t have taken a federal investigation or youth that attempted suicide to get reforms. Today, we took a real step to correct those failures, hopefully improving rehabilitative outcomes and working conditions for those in our juvenile justice system.”

david-crowleyRep. Crowley said “I am extremely pleased and excited by the passage of the Senate Substitute to Assembly Bill 953. A lot of people – on both sides of the aisle and in both chambers – put thought, energy, and care into creating meaningful and necessary reforms to our troubled juvenile justice system. The product coming out of the Senate today reflects that work and I look forward to proudly voting for this legislation Thursday when it comes before the Assembly.”

Last Updated on Thursday, 22 March 2018 11:13
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