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Democratic Radio "Black History Month" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Friday, 16 February 2018 16:46

martinlutherkingMADISON - This week Rep. David Bowen (D - Milwaukee) presents the Democratic Weekly Radio Address on Black History Month, a time to honor African American leaders and important historical events.

Audio File of Radio Address

david-bowenHello, this is State Representative David Bowen with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

February is Black History Month.  This is the time of year many host commemorative events to honor African American leaders and important historical events.

But Black History is about so much more.

It is about the real, shared experiences of African Americans from all walks of life.

A time when we remember those who fought for the right to vote.

Those who marched for access to public services without Jim Crow laws.

Those who died fighting for the recognition that all people are created equal.

It is about those experiences strengthening this state and strengthening this nation, because Black History is American history.

Most of all, it is remembering where we have been, so we can remember and recognize how far we still have to go.

Black History Month, just like every month, is a time of action.

That action can be working on economic equity, criminal justice reform, advocating for fair housing practices, and demanding quality education for our children.

For me, it means tirelessly working to ensure our community has a seat at the table and a voice in our state government.

Like the great black public servants who came before me, Lloyd Barbee, Vel Phillips, and so many others, I will continue to fight for the community I was born and raised in.

I will continue to work making Wisconsin a better place for all of us.

Thank you.

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