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Democratic Radio "The real state of the state" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Bridget Esser   
Friday, 26 January 2018 16:59

farm-familyWe feel seven years of failed Republican budgets every time we drive over a pothole, or cast a ballot for a school referendum. We feel it in our pocketbooks as our wages remain stagnant, while 47 millionaires receive a new tax break.

MADISON, WI – Senator Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) offered the Democratic weekly radio address highlighting the failed leadership of Gov. Walker and legislative Republicans and the Democratic solutions to help Wisconsin families.

“Wisconsin families are working harder than ever but can’t get ahead because Republicans continue to favor the wealthy and foreign corporations. Gov. Walker has drained resources from our schools, roads and local communities in order to fund the largest taxpayer giveaway to a foreign corporation in U.S. history.” – Sen. Jennifer Shilling

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here:

A written transcript of the address is below:

jennifer-shilling“Hi, I’m State Senator Jennifer Shilling.

“Despite Governor Walker’s frantic attempts to improve his public approval ratings in a tough election year, Wisconsin residents will not be fooled.

“Seven years of failed Republican budgets are felt every time we drive over a pothole, or cast a ballot for a school referendum. We feel it in our pocketbooks as our wages remain stagnant, while 47 millionaires receive a new tax break.

“Wisconsin families are working harder than ever but can’t get ahead because Republicans continue to favor the wealthy and foreign corporations. Gov. Walker has drained resources from our schools, roads and local communities in order to fund the largest taxpayer giveaway to a foreign corporation in U.S. history.

“Senate Democrats remain united in the Wisconsin Way Forward that expands access to affordable health care, expands the family medical leave act, and invests in our infrastructure and local schools.

“These are the issues that impact families across Wisconsin and these are the issues that families want fixed. By focusing on policies that encourage growth and drive innovation, we can expand economic opportunities and move Wisconsin forward.

Thank you.”

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