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Wisconsin Democracy Campaign "Walker’s Hypocrisy on $" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 17 November 2017 10:22

scottwalker-dreamMore Walker hypocrisy on outside money, Schimel at Trump resort, and GOP sweetheart deals.

MADISON - Sometimes, the brazenness of Scott Walker amazes me.

matthew_rothschildSuch was the case this week when he bemoaned the outside money he might be facing in his reelection campaign, even though he owes his hold on power to outside money, as we explain here:

Walker hypocrite on outside money

One of those big outside donors is none other than Sheldon Adelson, the Las Vegas casino owner, and Walker did him a favor recently by endorsing one of Adelson’s favorite causes:

Walker order and GOP bills on BDS serve big donor

Walker wasn’t the only one kissing up to big donors this week. Attorney General Brad Schimel has been doing it, too:

Schimel hobnobs with big donors at Trump resort

And in the legislature, two Republicans have introduced another bill that preys on the poor – this one from the rent-to-own industry, which they get money from:

GOP sweetheart bill for the rent-to-own industry

This is the reality of politics in Wisconsin these days. Big money rules the roost, and if you want some change in the law, you better have money to drop in the GOP cup.

And it doesn’t matter whether Republicans or Democrats hold the power. This kind of pay to play, which both parties have been known to do, is totally unacceptable. This is not how a democracy is supposed to function. It amounts to legalized bribery and rule by the few.

That’s why we fight so hard for clean and open government and fundamental campaign finance reform. Everyone should have an equal voice in our democracy!


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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