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WDC Action Alert: Call on “Riot” Bills! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Thursday, 19 October 2017 10:37

union-crowd-rotundaMADISON - This afternoon, perhaps even while you’re reading this, I’ll be testifying at the Senate Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety hearing on the so-called “riot” bills. Here’s my prepared statement:

WDC testimony in opposition to ‘riot’ bills

These bills are such dangerous assaults on our freedoms of speech, assembly, and association that I urge you to contact your legislators and tell them to vote no on the bills.

You can contact them by calling the toll-free legislative hotline at 1-800-362-9472 (266-9960 in Madison). The riot bills in the Assembly are AB395, AB396, and AB397, and their Senate companions are respectively SB303, SB304, and SB305.

There’s another dangerous proposal that is circulating: It would allow property owners and developers to fill in one million acres of our wetlands! Fortunately, a promising coalition of outdoors groups has come together to blow the whistle on this one:

Hunting, trapping, and wildlife groups oppose wetlands bill

And in an amusing and unusual development, two of the biggest business lobbies in the state are in a little spat:

The big boys fight in Wisconsin over ‘Dairyland’ name

Finally, I want to share with you the remarks I made last Friday night in Gays Mills, when I spoke to a great crowd of 50 people at an event sponsored by the Crawford Stewardship Project:

The assault on science and democracy

It’s long, but I hope you can plow your way through it, since I address the grave threats to our democracy, right here in Wisconsin, and nationally.


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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P.S. We depend on your financial support to do this urgent work of exposing the problem of money in Wisconsin politics, defending our First Freedoms, and standing up for democracy. So please send us a tax-deductible gift by clicking here. Thanks!

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