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WI Democracy Campaign "Call for Action Sept. 12!" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Tuesday, 12 September 2017 10:07

matthew_rothschildMake sure Tuesday, Sept. 12 is a Fair Maps Day of Action.

MADISON - I know you were disgusted by the way Scott Walker and his cronies in the legislature rigged our electoral maps back in 2011.

And I know you’re in favor of fair maps and nonpartisan redistricting – no matter which party holds power.

Currently, there is a bill languishing in the legislature that would end gerrymandering in Wisconsin.

I need you to rattle some cages in the State Capitol so it doesn’t languish there any longer. We need a hearing on this bill!

Tuesday, Sept. 12 is a Fair Maps Day of Action.

Please contact the committee chairs in the Assembly and the Senate who preside over this crucial issue and urge them to hold a public hearing on it.

  • In the Assembly, that’s Rep. Kathy Bernier (pronounced “BURN-yer) and the bill is AB44. Please call her office at (608) 266-9172.
  • In the Senate, that’s Sen. Devin LeMahieu (pronounced LEMMA-hue), and the identical bill is SB13. Please call his office at (608) 266-2056.

You may be asked if you live in their district. Tell them this legislation affects us all, and as chairperson of this important committee they represent everyone in our state on this matter, and it’s up to them to set the agenda for public hearings.

You may also be asked – or wonder yourself – whether the case before the U.S. Supreme Court on Wisconsin’s redistricting won’t solve this problem. While the court case is historic, whichever way the court rules, it won’t take the map-drawing out of partisan hands. Only the pending legislation would do that.

So please make your call tomorrow, Tuesday, Sept. 12!

The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign is pleased to be participating in this coordinated action sponsored by the Fair Maps Coalition (#FairMaps), of which we’re an integral part.

Thanks for picking up your phone and making these two calls.


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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P.S. And if you have the time, please report back with any response or reaction you get.

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