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Wis Democracy Campaign "Did Foxconn Skirt Lobby Law?" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Monday, 14 August 2017 02:32

FOXCONNMADISON - We just posted a piece that explores whether Foxconn failed to register as a lobbyist in a timely fashion, which I thought might interest you:

Did Foxconn violate state lobby law?

The Foxconn bill, by the way, also includes some corporate welfare to a Milwaukee company whose executives gave Gov. Walker $7,500 over the last several years:

Foxconn corporate welfare bill includes $10M giveaway for Fiserv

Speaking of Walker, this week he signed a bill that could jeopardize our health and safety. It’s called the REINS law, and you should check out the praise that a major Koch Brothers group lavished on Walker for signing it:

Walker approves WMC, Koch-backed anti-regulation bill

In the interest of transparency, several Democratic lawmakers are asking Attorney General Brad Schimel to let us all know how much his office has been spending on pet lawsuits of the conservative movement nationally:

Dem lawmakers want DOJ to disclose civil case costs

And also in the interest of transparency, we brought to light some of the biggest donors – Republican and Democratic alike – to so-called 527 groups in the last six months. See who is throwing the most money around:

Wisconsin contributors gave $2M+ to electioneering groups

I hope your summer is going well, despite the nuclear cloud!*


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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