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Democratic Radio "WI Can Do Better" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Friday, 09 June 2017 07:55

tod-ohnstadMADISON – Today, Rep. Tod Ohnstad (D-Kenosha) offered the Democratic Weekly Radio Address on the continued failures of Gov. Walker's administration: 

"We lost nearly 4,000 manufacturing jobs and created 10,000 fewer jobs than in previous years. That makes 2016 the worst year for job creation since the great recession in 2009," Rep. Ohnstad said. "It’s time to set aside partisan politics. We need to work together to build an economy that works for everyone."

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here, and the video can be found here

A written transcript of the address is below:

“Hi, I’m Representative Tod Ohnstad with this week’s Democratic Radio Address. 

"This week, the federal government released information on the number of jobs created in Wisconsin last year, and the news isn’t good.

"We lost nearly 4,000 manufacturing jobs and created 10,000 fewer jobs than in previous years. That makes 2016 the worst year for job creation since the great recession in 2009.

"Since Gov. Walker took office, Wisconsin has continually done worse than our neighboring states for job creation. Last year, we ranked 33rd out of all 50 states. We can do better than this. 

"I’ve heard a lot of excuses from Gov. Walker recently about why Wisconsin isn’t doing better, but most of them simply aren’t true. Instead, workers in Wisconsin are having a hard time finding good-paying jobs. Last year, the average Wisconsin worker took home $624 less in their paychecks than they did in 2015. 

"Wisconsin also fell behind in things that impact our quality of life like roads, student loan debt, and start-up activity.

"It’s time to set aside partisan politics. We need to work together to build an economy that works for everyone.

"Thank you."

Last Updated on Monday, 24 July 2017 11:20
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