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Wisc Democracy Campaign 'Koch Buys Wisconsin' PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Saturday, 20 May 2017 13:26

koch-brothersMADISON - This week brought two more examples of how the Koch Brothers have Wisconsin in their back pockets.

First, we reported that the Koch Foundation has poured money not just to UW-Stout but to many other UW schools, including UW-Madison, as well as to private colleges in our state.

Koch support to Wisconsin higher ed tops $1 million

Then, we noted that the Republican legislature is doing the bidding of the Koch Brothers by pushing a bill that would make regulations on corporations vanish after seven years on the books. Poof, they’re gone:

Koch and other big business groups back bill to bury regs

While on the subject of corporate influence, we posted an article on how recent WEDC recipients have been feathering Walker’s nest:

Walker got $51K in campaign contributions from WEDC recipients

And finally, we exposed a so-called “riot” bill as an infringement on the First Amendment:

“Riot” bill is unconstitutional

I hope you find these offerings interesting.


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

P.S. Remember, this Monday evening is our annual event at the Lussier Family Heritage Center, registration starting at 5:30. We’re delighted to have former GAB director Kevin Kennedy as our keynote speaker, and Kim Wright from Midwest Environmental Advocates will also talk, and we’ll have some spoken word from Deshawn McKinney, president of the UW-Madison Wisconsin Union Directorate. The address is 3101 Lake Farm Rd, just south of South Towne in rural Madison (yes, there is a rural part to Madison!). Please RSVP your attendance BEFORE Monday. Hope to see you there.

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