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Russ Feingold 'Obstruction of justice now on the record' PDF Print E-mail
Written by Russ Feingold   
Sunday, 14 May 2017 16:47

donald-trumpMADISON - The articles of impeachment that were being prepared against Richard Nixon before he resigned included obstruction of justice. Obstruction of justice was also the key charge in the impeachment of Bill Clinton.

james-comeyOn Thursday, the Trump Administration -- and even the president himself -- bragged that the firing of James Comey was intended to end the investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russian intelligence operations in the 2016 U.S. election.

Does Trump’s admission amount to impeachable obstruction of justice? We must have a special prosecutor leading an independent investigation to find out.

If you haven’t signed the LegitAction petition calling for a special prosecutor yet, please do it now. This situation is developing rapidly.

On Thursday, Trump told NBC’s Lester Holt that he fired James Comey in part because “this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story.”

Also on Thursday, Trump’s spokesperson said, “We think that we've actually, by removing Director Comey, taken steps to [make the Russia story come to its conclusion].”

Then, on Friday, Trump publicly threatened now-former FBI Director Comey with the prospect of releasing tapes of their conversations.

This is one of the most serious crises in presidential legitimacy our nation has ever faced. We cannot trust the investigation into this matter to anyone else that Trump can fire.

Join the call for a special prosecutor today. Sign the LegitAction petition now.

There are so many questions about Trump’s behavior and the legitimacy of the 2016 election that, in a sense, it’s not surprising to see an illegitimately elected president behaving without legitimacy. But we can’t lose sight of the bigger fight here.

Thanks for standing up today,

Russ Feingold

Last Updated on Monday, 15 May 2017 17:05
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