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Russ Feingold "Our Government May Have No Legitimacy" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Russ Feingold   
Saturday, 06 May 2017 08:47

russ-gbLEGIT PAC standing up to demand a new Voting Rights Act for the 21st century.

MADISON - Without the right to vote, a democracy has no legitimacy and cannot exist.

Across the United States right now, this vital right is under attack. And it’s undermining our government’s legitimacy as we speak.

When millions of people are denied the right to vote, it means elections don’t reflect the true will of the people. And that means the candidates that win don’t have legitimate authority to govern.

That’s a big problem for all of us. To combat this legitimacy crisis, today we’re standing up to demand a new Voting Rights Act for the 21st century. Will you lend your name?

Sign on today. Demand a new 21st Century Voting Rights Act to combat the legitimacy crisis in our government.

It’s crucially important that we fight for the rights of those who are being denied the ability to vote. It is unfair and unjust.

But we aren’t just fighting for their sake. This is a matter of preserving and restoring the legitimacy of our entire government.

Just as the landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965 addressed many of the worst voter suppression tactics of its day, like poll taxes and literacy tests, so must the new 21st Century Voting Rights Act address modern abuses like gerrymandering and racially motivated voter ID laws and felon disenfranchisement.

Show your support for a new 21st Century Voting Rights Act today. Add your name.

Legitimate democracy comes from the people. For every citizen prevented from casting a ballot, our democracy takes a hit. But just as with all good things in a democracy, this one won’t change unless the people demand it.

Thank you for showing your support today,

Russ Feingold

Last Updated on Saturday, 06 May 2017 09:10
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