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WI Democracy Campaign 'Inspiring/Appalling' PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 21 April 2017 10:48

madison_capitolReferendum to overturn Citizens United, hate Jill Stein bill is bad, Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, and more...

MADISON - I spent a lot of time in the State Capitol in Madison this week, and some of it was inspiring and some of it was appalling.

matt-rothschildOn the inspiring side, I attended a terrific press conference on Wednesday, where Rep. Lisa Subeck and Sen. David Hansen discussed the legislation they were introducing for a statewide referendum on amending the U.S. Constitution to overturn Citizens United. Grassroots organizers from around the state held up hand-made signs saying how popular the vote was in their communities for just such an amendment. Here’s our post on this:

Why we need a statewide referendum to help overturn Citizens United

On the appalling side, I attended a hearing on a lousy bill to limit the ability of candidates to call for a recount, even if they agreed to pay for it, and I was astonished by how rude the Republican legislators on the committee were to their Democratic counterparts, whose questions repeatedly were interrupted or cut off. Here’s the testimony I gave on this bill:

Why the “We Hate Jill Stein” bill is bad

Also appalling in the Capitol this week was an effort by Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce to torpedo a good bill brought by Republican Sen. Robert Cowles that would help homeowners pay to replace their lead water pipes. God forbid we help homeowners deal with a public health hazard!

WMC opposes bill to help you get rid of lead pipes

And finally, I went to the Wisconsin Supreme Court this morning to watch the justices debate whether they should pass a tighter recusal rule. I was disgusted by what I saw:

Hack job at high court in Wisconsin on recusal petition

But back to the inspiring side of the ledger: It’s Earth Day on Saturday! I’m looking forward to all the celebrations and protests, and I hope you can join in, too.


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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