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Inexperienced President Should Follow World Law PDF Print E-mail
Written by Debbie Metke, Franksville, WI   
Friday, 21 April 2017 09:35

trump-nuclearWars easy to start, peace takes hard work.

MILWAUKEE - So our new president’s inexperienced eyes have been opened and he is now forced to see what is really going on in the world; and his choice is to start making unilateral bomb strikes using some of the biggest weapons we have. It appears our country loves to use the macho “hammers” in our toolkit, easily starting wars that ultimately cascade into unending quicksand bogs of death and bankruptcy, while creating more terror and hatred to last generations.

nagasakiDon’t get me wrong. I, like everyone, am heartsick over the suffering in Syria and scared by North Korean’s nuclear tests. But will these strikes and threats start a peace process? What else could we do?

Einstein knew, as did Walter Cronkite, H.G. Wells, Winston Churchill and even Ulysses Grant: We citizens must demand a layer of world law that outlaws war and in-country genocide. Countries could start by revamping the United Nations, especially changing the Security Council voting structure.

The greatest minds have long plotted out the ideas needed, but hopefully world citizens will demand their representatives start the process before we are all scrapping out an existence in a pile of ash.

Last Updated on Friday, 21 April 2017 09:58
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