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Wisconsin Democracy Campaign 'Koch Brothers Strike Again!' PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 14 April 2017 10:33

koch-brothersKoch Brothers want to wipe out Wisconsin’s prevailing wage law, GOP making it harder to demand a recount in Wisconsin, and more...

MADISON - The Koch Brothers continue their assault on good government and decent wages in Wisconsin.

This time, they’re going after what’s left of Wisconsin’s prevailing wage law:

Koch brothers behind the GOP bill to wipe out prevailing wage

They’re using not one, not two, but three of their funded groups – including a phony veterans’ group! – to try to hoodwink the people of Wisconsin into letting their legislators gut the wages of construction workers on state contracts.

With seemingly nothing better to do, some GOP legislators are also trying to make it harder for candidates to demand a recount in Wisconsin, as we explain here:

Why the “We Hate Jill Stein” bill is bad

I’m off to give a talk tonight at the Jefferson Public Library to a new group called “Indivisible Jefferson County.”

As I travel around the state, I’m constantly reminded of the great organizing that’s going on everywhere.

This bolsters my spirits – and yours too, I hope.


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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