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Take a Stand Against Islamophobia After Brutal Milwaukee Attack PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate Democrats   
Saturday, 15 April 2017 15:32

woman-hijabA man demanded she remove her hijab and beat her. We must stand up against the misguided hate and violence being fueled by a loud but small minority.

MADISON – Senator Chris Larson and Representative Jonathan Brostoff issued the following statement after a violent attack of a Milwaukee woman.

chris_larson“Our thoughts are with our neighbor as she recovers from a hateful, brutal attack. Hate crimes have been on the rise over the past year and, with each one, so has the response from the community to rise up and condemn it for what it is: a cowardly act from fringe individuals who pervert our American values.

“We must continue to stand up against the misguided hate and violence being fueled by a loud but small minority. Keeping America on the path of inclusion and opportunity depends on us standing up against hate each time it seeks to divert and diminish us.

Jonathan Brostoff“Beyond the hateful rhetoric spewed by the Republican president and his followers, real families are in imminent danger. This is not the America we strive for and it is not the history the majority of us want to be written.

“In January, we introduced the Resist Hate Joint Resolution. Over a hundred community members showed up at the press conference unveiling the legislative resolution to show solidarity with our Muslim neighbors. Hundreds more signed the Resist Hate petition. To date, Senate Republicans have failed to schedule this joint resolution (SJR 9/AJR 9) for a vote.

“We can wait no longer. We must, as a state, send a message that hate and violence will not be tolerated.”


The Resist Hate Joint Resolution has the support of ISM Milwaukee, Milwaukee Muslim Women's Coalition Voces de la Frontera, Milwaukee Turners, Inc., the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Veterans for Peace, Jewish Community Relations Council, and the Interfaith Conference of Prayer Milwaukee.

Last Updated on Monday, 17 April 2017 15:59
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