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Senator Baldwin 'Workers need Buy America commitment' PDF Print E-mail
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brandon Weathersby   
Tuesday, 28 February 2017 15:10

donald-trumpIn an OpEd published by the Appleton Post Crescent, Sen. Tammy Baldwin asks President Trump to put real actions behind the promises he has made to American workers and manufacturers.

MADISON - As Democrats, we believe that the backbone of Wisconsin’s economy will always be a highly-trained workforce making products right here in Wisconsin. Building a Made in Wisconsin economy is how local businesses thrive and are able to create good, family-supporting jobs in every city, town, and village. Senator Tammy Baldwin believes in the Made in Wisconsin economy and is asking President Trump to keep his campaign promise to “Buy American and hire American.”​

In a new opinion piece featured in the Appleton Post Crescent, Senator Tammy Baldwin asks President Trump to "lay out a clear plan of action to keep the promises he has made to American workers and manufacturers" in his speech tomorrow night to Congress.

tammy-baldwinAn excerpt from Sen. Baldwin's piece is below.

"The bottom line is this: We need a major investment in our nation’s infrastructure, we need it now, and President Trump has an opportunity on Tuesday to make clear his plan of action to take on his own party on Buy America reforms.

"The last month has been consumed by division and disagreement. How about we focus on something we can all agree on – the need to rebuild our nation’s infrastructure. We will put manufacturers and people to work building it and provide businesses with a stronger transportation system they need to move their goods to market. 

"People are angry that their hard work isn't respected and rewarded. Let’s work to change that. It’s time we work across party lines to make strong federal investments in our workers and America’s future. Words are not enough, the time to act is now."

Unlike the President, Sen. Baldwin is walking the walk and talking the talk for a Made in Wisconsin economy. Last year, she successfully included a provision to require water infrastructure to be made with American iron and American steel. However, Congressional Republicans continue to stand in the way as Speaker Ryan removed the provision from the Water Infrastructure Improvements Act at the very last minute. President Trump has yet to call on Congress to replace the provision. 

Wisconsinites are working more, making less, and are struggling to make ends meet. But it's clear that Congressional Republicans are content with allowing corporate lobbyists to write the rules and Wisconsin hurt workers by allowing taxpayer money to support foreign made products.  

Now is the time for President Trump to send a clear message to Speaker Ryan and Leader McConnell to stop putting large overseas corporations ahead of the American worker.

Read Sen. Baldwin's opinion piece in its entirety at​

Last Updated on Tuesday, 28 February 2017 15:24
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