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The Message is Clear Wisconsin Stands with Trans and Non-Binary Communities PDF Print E-mail
Written by Ryan Clancy Press   
Wednesday, 04 October 2023 16:34

school-sportsMadison, Wis. – The Republicans are at it again - going after our transgender youth. Today they held three public hearings on anti-transgender bills, including AB465 which they misname as “Help Not Harm”, but in fact this legislation is extremely harmful to our transgender youth. AB465 bans life-saving gender affirming care for children under the age of 18 years old, even if they have their parents, healthcare provider and mental health provider’s approval.

The other two anti-transgender bills were AB377 and AB 378 which seeks to ban transgender girls and transgender women from participating in K-12 sports and collegiate athletics.

The co-chairs of the Transgender Parent and Non-binary Advocacy Caucus Representative Ryan Clancy (D-19 Milwaukee) and Representative Melissa Ratcliff (D-46 Cottage Grove) issued the following statement:

ryan-clancy“The Transgender Parent and Non-Binary Advocacy Caucus is heartened by the many incredibly strong and brave individuals who showed up to speak today. The rooms were packed with community members who stood up for themselves and each other. It was powerful to witness and the love will cut through the hate. We will continue to stand united against these attacks on our most vulnerable communities and marginalized youth.”

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