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Republican Shared Revenue Bill Disappointing PDF Print E-mail
Written by Shelia Stubbs Press   
Thursday, 18 May 2023 19:08

milw-northsideBill passed Wednesday facilitates the ongoing GOP-backed attacks against diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives across the state, says Milwaukee legislator.

MADISON, Wis.—Rep Stubbs released the following statement following the floor session on Wednesday, May 17th, 2023 and the passing of AB 245:

“On Wednesday, May 17th, 2023, following a long and intense floor session, the Assembly passed the contentious shared revenue bill, AB 245. It is clear that this bill is underdeveloped, lacks bipartisan support, and creates burdens for Wisconsinites and their communities.”

shelia-stubbs“One hugely detrimental aspect of AB 245 is that it facilitates the ongoing GOP-backed attacks against diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives across the state. I and my fellow Assembly Democrats believe that local governments should be able to make decisions for themselves and continue to fund DEI initiatives. The spotlight is on Wisconsin to do what is right in the face of clear racial disparities in our state. Disinvestment into DEI programming and added barriers to fund such initiatives will only worsen our state’s vast racial inequity and cause further harm.”

“There is no denying that significant racial disparities exist within our state. Wisconsin is the worst state to raise a Black family. Black mothers and children face poorer and more fatal outcomes in health care settings; Black children are overrepresented in the foster care system, and live in poverty and face school suspension at disproportionately high rates compared to their white peers; Black Wisconsinites who are unemployed and seeking jobs are excluded from the market; Wisconsin has one of the largest racial disparity rates nationwide among its incarcerated population, leading to disproportionate disenfranchisement in the Black community; rates of violence and homicide among Black women and girls are extremely high compared to white women in our state, but they are frequently denied attention and justice. Each of these examples demonstrates the need for ongoing improvement in our state in the area of diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

“I am a champion of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives because I believe in their merit to address widespread, systemic and structural racism in the State of Wisconsin. Offices of diversity, equity, and inclusion offer comprehensive frameworks to address the ongoing crisis of racism that plagues the daily lives of Black Wisconsinites. Now is not the time to minimize the issue of racism in Wisconsin. Now is the time to bolster our equity initiatives and commit ourselves to the overhaul of our policies, systems, and institutions so that each and every Wisconsinite, no matter their race, can feel safe, work, play, and thrive in Wisconsin.”

“Yesterday I quoted former Secretary of State, General Colin Powell who once said, “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.” I spoke these words to my colleagues and to my constituents as I pledged my own sweat, determination, and hard work to create a more fair, just, and equitable Wisconsin. It takes a lot of time, energy, and effort to effect great and necessary change. Wisconsinites can rest assured, I am willing to give my all to secure a future that allows every community and community member to thrive.”

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