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Brown County Democrats Support Protasiewicz Win PDF Print E-mail
Written by Democratic Party of Brown County   
Thursday, 06 April 2023 09:34

janet-protasiewiczElection caused a huge surge in interest among progressive Brown County voters says local Democratic Chair.

GREEN BAY, WI - Judge Janet Protasiewicz has prevailed over Republican election denier Dan Kelly in a historic win for Wisconsin and democracy. In an election with vital implications for protecting the vote and civil rights, Wisconsin voters have sent the resounding message that when it comes to extremism, they’ve had enough. The Democratic Party of Brown County has proudly supported Judge Protasiewicz throughout her campaign, pushing hard with multiple events and knocking on thousands of doors in the days leading up to the election.

“Janet Protasiewicz has been a steadfast champion of justice and a reliable advocate for the vulnerable throughout her career. Wisconsin can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that we now have someone in our state’s highest court working to restore fair election practices and essential healthcare choices for women. The values we share as Brown County voters- safety, fairness, and personal freedoms- are best served when we elect fierce defenders of democracy like Judge Protasiewicz.” said Christy Welch, Chair, Democratic Party of Brown County. “What's more, Judge Protasiewicz brings the right balance of wisdom and compassion to our state supreme court. Her experience in everything from advocating for victims to presiding over drug courts provides the balanced perspective on justice that Wisconsin needs. We look forward to supporting Judge Protasiewicz for many years to come.”

The Democratic Party of Brown County mobilized hundreds of members and volunteers to educate voters on the impact the Wisconsin Supreme Court election would have on their healthcare, public safety, and civil rights.

“We saw a historic surge in interest as election day drew close, and that passion and enthusiasm for democracy carried Judge Protasiewicz across the finish line.”

- Democratic Party of Brown County Chair, Christy Welch

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