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Agard Reacts to Governor Evers’ Budget Address PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Wednesday, 15 February 2023 22:49

evers-2023-sos-addrMADISON – Tonight, Governor Evers delivered the 2023-25 biennium budget address. Senate Democratic Leader Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement upon conclusion of the Governor’s address:

“Governor Evers has put forth a budget that addresses the needs of working Wisconsinites. Because of Governor Evers’ steadfast and strategic leadership throughout a global pandemic, our state finds itself in one of its best financial standings in recent years. The budget proposed tonight makes good on the state’s commitment to its residents and ensures that the government works for the people of Wisconsin.

melissa-agard“The Governor’s deliberate budget proposal builds on our state’s economic momentum, bolsters workforce needs, invests in reliable infrastructure, creates stronger and safer communities, and preserves our state’s most precious natural resources, including our waterways.

“The Governor’s budget prioritizes attracting and retaining a talented workforce by investing in initiatives that make people want to live, work, play, and start a family in our great state. Families want to live in a state that offers paid family leave and affordable childcare, so they don’t have to worry about going bankrupt to start a family. People want to live in a state that protects their natural resources because clean water should be a right, not a privilege. Parents want to live in a state that prioritizes our public schools, so their kids have the opportunity to grow into well-rounded young adults. Renters and homeowners want to live in a state where they can access quality housing at a reasonable cost.

“And working adults want to live in a state with an equitable tax formula so working and middle-class individuals stand a fighting chance to get ahead, rather than with a formula that subsidizes Wisconsin’s millionaires and billionaires as proposed by legislative Republicans. Governor Evers’ budget delivers on his promise of a 10-percent middle-class tax cut and provides $1.2 billion in tax relief for working families.

“The strength of our state’s economy is dependent on the strength of the working folks in Wisconsin, and the Governor’s budget ensures that ordinary Wisconsinites are equipped to prosper. We all do better, when we all do better. Governor Evers, my Democratic colleagues, and I are working for Wisconsin. We will build upon the successes of the last four years and continue working to ensure that our economy, our communities, and our government works for everyone.”

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