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Wis Democracy Campaign - Outside Money Already Breaks Record! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 21 October 2022 10:06

MADISON - Even though there’s more than two weeks before the election, the outside spending has already broken a record, as you probably guessed by all the mud that’s been hitting your screens.

Here’s what we posted on it:

money-2022-wdcExpress Advocacy Groups Break Spending Record Weeks Before the Election

And if you’re interested in how much each candidate has raised or has on hand, just click here:

Campaign 2022: Campaign finance activity in the 2022 fall elections

I also wanted to let you know that my colleague Carlene Bechen, the organizing director for the Wisconsin Fair Maps Coalition, is helping to organize a press conference for National Vote Early Day, next Friday, Oct. 28.

vote-early-2022-wdcYou’re invited to attend to help celebrate. It’s at 9:00 a.m. at the Madison Municipal Building, 215 MLK Blvd, in Madison. The emcee is Earnestine Moss from the League of Women Voters and the NAACP. Speakers include Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway; the Rev. Greg Lewis, president of Souls to the Polls; Debra Cronmiller, executive director of the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin; Greg Jones, president, NAACP of Dane County; Brandi Grayson, executive director, Urban Triage; and Nicholas Ramos, Wisconsin Voter ID Coalition Coordinator for Vote Riders.

And afterwards, if you are an eligible voter that lives in Madison, you are encouraged to vote early.

If you’re in town, I hope to see you there!


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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