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Agard Applauds Underly’s Commitment to Wisconsin Students PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Thursday, 22 September 2022 16:58

school-kidsDespite Republican efforts to undermine public education in our state, Superintendent Underly and Governor Evers have put our kids first, says Agard.

MADISON- Today, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. Jill Underly delivered the 2022 State of Education Address. Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement:

melissa-agard“Public education is the cornerstone of our community, and investing in our kids is investing in a better future for Wisconsin. Everyone has the right to a high-quality public education. Thanks to the leadership of Governor Evers and Superintendent Underly, we have the opportunity to expand access to mental health services and school nutrition, address staffing shortages, increase per pupil and special education funding, and more. The vision Superintendent Underly laid out today is ambitious and bold, and it is everything our children, families, and educators deserve.

“In Wisconsin, we sit down and work to find solutions to problems. I’m so grateful that we have a State Superintendent who’s willing to roll up her sleeves and get to work in support of our kids. Public education isn’t optional, it’s a vital and necessary investment that requires hard work, grit, and dedication.

jill-underly“Despite Republican efforts to undermine public education in our state, Superintendent Underly and Governor Evers will always put our kids first. Recently, they announced their shared priorities to invest nearly $2 billion in the next budget to help our students, educators, and families thrive. Superintendent Underly also emphasized affirming identities, fostering a culture of inclusivity, and ensuring that a classroom is safe for all children. This is the moral leadership Wisconsinites deserve and will serve as a downpayment on our children’s future.”

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