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Agard Applauds Agreement Between UW Nurses and UW Health PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Monday, 12 September 2022 14:19

coronavirus-nurse-tiredScheduled strike to start Tuesday averted by agreement.

MADISON – This morning, it was announced that UW Health nurses and UW Health management  have approved an agreement intended to avert a strike that was scheduled to start Tuesday. Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement:

melissa-agard-sargent“After years of advocating for a stronger voice in the workplace, I’m thrilled that the UW Health nurses have reached an agreement with UW Health management. Today and every day, I honor our nurses’ labor and recognize the important role they play in providing the highest quality care for patients.

“Here in Wisconsin, we sit down and work to find solutions to problems. Thanks to Governor Evers’ leadership and offer to be personally involved in mediating discussions between the nurses and the administration, the two sides were able to negotiate in good faith and reach this momentous agreement.

“Throughout this process, I have stood shoulder to shoulder with the nurses in calling for a union voice at UW Health. I know this agreement will lead to better collaboration and communication moving forward. The ability to have a seat at the table is vital as the past two-plus years have created some of the most challenging conditions of our lifetime, especially in the health care industry. Together, the nurses’ union and the administration can address the significant challenges before us and ensure UW Health is the very best place to work and receive care.”

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