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Wisconsin Democrats on the Firing of Michael Gableman PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press, Hannah Menchhoff   
Friday, 12 August 2022 15:37

michael-gablemanLike Dr. Frankenstein, Robin Vos created a political monstrosity that wound up turning on its creator, says Dem Chair.

MADISON, Wis. — In response to the removal of Michael Gableman and the ending of his $1 million-plus taxpayer-funded investigation into the 2020 election, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler issued the following statement:

“The sham Gableman investigation amounted to a $1.3 million, 14-month campaign ad for extreme, ultra-MAGA Republicans, including Tim Michels, paid for by taxpayers. Robin Vos should follow Gableman out the door and resign from office for perpetrating this farce.

“This clown show was enabled by cynical and radical Republican politicians like Tim Michels, who will say or do anything to appease Trump. That’s why Tim Michels supported this investigation, it’s why Gableman delivered an invocation at the Trump-Michels rally this month, and it’s why Michels still won’t rule out overturning the results of the 2020 election. 

“There were zero consequences for Gableman’s buffoonery, mismanagement of state dollars, brazen violations of open records laws, temper tantrums, and constant lying—until he attacked Robin Vos politically. Robin Vos repeatedly extended Gableman’s contract, looked the other way as Gableman billed taxpayers for travel to political events and other extravagences, and provided state-funded private attorneys to defend Gableman’s incompetence in court.

“Like Dr. Frankenstein, Robin Vos created a political monstrosity that wound up turning on its creator. The legacy of Robin Vos will forever be tied to Mike Gableman and the poisoning of public faith in our democracy that they accomplished together, all at taxpayer expense.”

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