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Wis Democracy Campaign - Primary Messages PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 12 August 2022 18:17

wdc-logoMADISON - The Aug. 9 primaries delivered several messages, including Speaker Vos calling Michael Gableman “an embarrassment to our state.” That was rich! I tried to sort it all out here:

The Messages of August 9

In the arena of money in politics, there were also mixed messages.

One the one hand, Republicans are the main beneficiaries of the change they made to our campaign finance law that allows political parties and campaign committees to accept donations from corporations, as this posting notes:

wdc-2partiesGOP Collects 3x More Than Dems in Corporate Contributions

But on the other hand, our research team discovered that the Democratic Party of Wisconsin is playing the money game much better than its counterpart:

wdc-donkey-moneyState Dems Have Almost 30x the $$ as the Wisconsin Republican Party

Here at the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, we believe the super wealthy, whether Democratic or Republican, shouldn’t be able to dominate our politics.

Instead, we believe that we all should have an equal voice, and we’ll continue to campaign for that crucial reform!

I hope you have a nice weekend.


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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P.S. If you’d like to support the urgent work we’re doing in defense of our democracy, please send us a tax-deductible donation. It’s easy. Just click here and pay by credit card or PayPal. Or you can mail a gift in the old-fashioned way. Write your check out to the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign and send it to us at 203 S. Paterson St, Suite 100, Madison WI 53703.

Last Updated on Saturday, 13 August 2022 08:32
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