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Agard Supports Lawsuit for PFAS Contamination in Wisconsin Water PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Wednesday, 20 July 2022 10:16

pfas-contamination-testTime to make polluters pay for the PFAS contaminations says Agard.

Madison, WI – Today, Governor Tony Evers and Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul announced they filed a lawsuit against three Wisconsin manufacturers and 15 other defendants that have caused PFAS contamination in Wisconsin’s waterways and other natural resources.

State Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement:

melissa-sargent“It’s beyond time that we make polluters pay for the PFAS contaminations these huge corporations knowingly put into our water supply. I want to thank Governor Evers and Attorney General Kaul for prioritizing the health and safety of all Wisconsinites. Access to clean, safe water is a right, not a privilege. No one should have to worry if their water is safe to drink and use.

“All across Wisconsin, communities are plagued by these dangerous and toxic chemicals. PFAS pollution is a dire public health crisis, a threat to our environment, and our economy. Corporations and manufacturers that knowingly caused damage against Wisconsinites’ health and well-being must be held accountable, not the taxpayers.”

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