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Alex Lasry: “Ron Johnson Is All Talk And No Action” PDF Print E-mail
Written by Alex Lasry Press   
Friday, 10 June 2022 18:50

ron-johnsonJohnson says that we should be manufacturing 'certain strategic products,’ but his voting record tells a different story says Senate hopeful.

Milwaukee – Today, Alex Lasry released the following statement on Republican Senator Ron Johnson’s continued refusal to stand up for Wisconsin’s working families:

“Do-nothing Ron Johnson has once again shown us that he is all talk and no action. This week, he released a statement saying that we should be manufacturing 'certain strategic products,’ but his voting record tells a different story. Ron Johnson doesn’t care about Wisconsin manufacturing and continuously votes against helping make sure we make critical components here in the United States.

alex-lasry-senate“For over a decade, Ron Johnson has failed to bring jobs and investment back to Wisconsin, and has even pushed for shipping jobs away to other states and countries. He has rejected bringing countless good union jobs back home and he knows that won’t fly with Wisconsinites. Now, self-serving Ron Johnson is making excuses, back peddling his record, and trying to blame everyone but himself. We need two Senators who will deliver real results for Wisconsin.

“I want to be a partner for Tammy Baldwin to bring investments back to Wisconsin. I have a proven record of raising wages, bringing jobs and investments to our state, and building things right here in Wisconsin. That’s exactly what I’ll do as Wisconsin’s next U.S. Senator.”

The Democratic Primary Election for the United States Senate will be held Tuesday, August 9th, 2022. For more information about Alex Lasry’s campaign, visit

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