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Wis Democracy Campaign - Vos Caves Again on Gableman PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Thursday, 28 April 2022 09:59

gableman-circus-wdcMADISON - The Gableman circus just won’t end.

This week, Speaker Robin Vos broke his word once more and gave Michael Gableman an extension for his ludicrous and costly fishing expedition. I write about that here:

Robin Vos Caves Again

One pernicious thing that Gableman has been doing is demonizing our local clerks.

To help counter this, the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition has provided an opportunity for you to say "thank you" to our local clerks. You can nominate an outstanding municipal clerk in recognition of the 53rd Annual Municipal Clerks Week, which is next week.  All nominations will be posted on the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition website and Facebook page and shared with clerks. Send your nomination by the end of this week.

You can link to Municipal Clerk Nomination form here.

Or simply send an email to your clerk, thanking that person for being such an outstanding public servant in the midst of some really ugly attacks. You can look up your Municipal Clerk’s name and contact information here.

And here’s a reminder: Our annual gathering and celebration is on Thursday, May 19, at the Lussier Family Heritage Center, 3101 Lake Farm Rd, south of South Towne. We’re thrilled to be bringing you a panel with Mel Barnes of Law Forward, Carlene Bechen of Wisconsin Fair Elections Project, and Angela Lang of BLOC. And, of course, I’ll be saying a few words about the perilous condition of our democracy, here in Wisconsin and around the country.

So I hope you can make the event. Registration starts at 5:30 p.m. And the program starts promptly at 6:00 p.m. We’ll have delicious food and refreshments. If you can’t be there in person, you have the option to register for remote access by Zoom.

Please go here for up-to-date information and to register by no later than May 12.

Looking forward to seeing you!


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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