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Governor Evers Delivers for Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Tuesday, 15 February 2022 21:46

tony-evers-s-sos-2022The issues that matter the most to people of Wisconsin are the same priorities as Governor Evers, says Madison area Senator.

Madison, WI – This evening, Governor Tony Evers delivered his 2022 State of the State Address. In it, the governor addressed challenges Wisconsin faced in 2021 in addition to priorities for his administration in 2022. Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) issued this statement in response to the governor’s State of the State Address:

“Governor Evers has kept his promise to the Wisconsin people and delivered results. Unlike my Republican colleagues, Governor Evers is not here to play political games or score political points—he cares about Wisconsin and her people, and has continued to put them first.

melissa-sargent“It’s no secret that we live in a time of political division, but Governor Evers has worked to bring our communities together through compassion, kindness, and respect. These last few years have been particularly challenging, but Governor Evers has continued to focus on health, safety, and prosperity for all of us.

“From investing in our small businesses and family farms to improving our infrastructure and transportation systems, Wisconsin is in a better place because of Governor Evers’ unrelenting commitment to our state. We’re seeing the results. Over thousands of miles of highways and bridges have been fixed. Broadband has continued to be invested in. Wisconsin is projected to have the largest surplus in state history, as well as a record low unemployment rate.

“The issues that matter the most to people of Wisconsin are the same priorities as Governor Evers: we need childcare to be more accessible and affordable, to support our Main Streets and local economies, to invest in our schoolteachers and public education, and to work for greener and more sustainable environmental practices. It’s clear that the governor and his administration are not only prioritizing the issues facing Wisconsin right now, but are working hard to build a better Wisconsin for generations to come.

“Wisconsin works best when our government and elected officials work for us. My Democratic colleagues and I join Governor Evers in working hard to ensure that this vision for a better Wisconsin becomes a reality for today, tomorrow, and the future. I applaud Governor Evers for his dedication and leadership.”

Last Updated on Saturday, 19 February 2022 10:55
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