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LWVWI on Ballot Drop Box Decision PDF Print E-mail
Written by League Women Voters WI, Molly Carmichael   
Friday, 21 January 2022 18:13

voting-dropboxVoting should be accessible to all, say nonpartisan advocates for informed and active participation in government.

MADISON, WI–Casting a ballot is a process that must be accessible and secure for all voters. Time and time again Wisconsinites find themselves having to navigate around barriers.

On Thursday, Jan. 13, a Wisconsin Circuit Court judge made a decision to prohibit the use of drop boxes for the upcoming spring primary and election, even though many clerks have already created absentee voting instructions that include information about local drop boxes. Changing rules about the use of drop boxes and who can put a voter's absentee ballot in the mail or drop it off the clerk’s office will lead to enormous confusion from voters and clerks alike, and ultimately disenfranchise Wisconsinites, as voters prepare to make their voices heard in these important local elections.  The League has already filed an appeal to correct this unfortunate decision.

vote-47-mbOur elections are fair, safe and accurate but sham reviews and partisan games are increasingly making it more difficult for voters–especially youth, folks with disabilities, and people of color– to cast their ballots. This ruling ignores the fact that some voters are physically unable to put their ballots in the mail themselves due to a disability and leave those voters without options. The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin won’t stand for these purposeful tactics and will continue to stand up for voters and fight for the freedom to vote.

“We should be removing barriers to voting, not creating them. It should be encouraged. And, crucially, it must be accessible,” said Debra Cronmiller, executive director of the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin. “This decision will impact those with disabilities and mobility issues who may need a family member or friend to help them return their ballot.”

As we pointed out in court then, this is an attempt to disenfranchise people days before an election.

The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin advocates for measures that make voting something voters feel empowered and informed to do. Find information about how to vote in person or absentee in Wisconsin at


The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin is a nonpartisan political organization that advocates for informed and active participation in government. There are 20 local Leagues throughout Wisconsin. More information at

Last Updated on Saturday, 22 January 2022 11:30
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