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Wis Democracy Campaign - Bad Week, But a Book for You PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 12 November 2021 15:52

capitol-night-wiscMADISON - What an ugly week for democracy in Wisconsin!

The Republican-dominated legislature rammed through their re-rigged maps, despite the overwhelming support among Wisconsinites for nonpartisan redistricting, as I noted here:

Wisconsin GOP Re-Rigs Maps

Also this week, Michael Gableman gave one of the most arrogant performances I’ve ever seen. He was providing testimony at a public informational hearing (which was by invitation only from far-right committee chair, Rep. Janel Brandtjen), and the only other person invited was Sgt. Michael Luell of the Racine County Sheriff's Office. Gableman refused to even give the names and qualifications of the people on his staff, whose salaries you and I are paying for!

There also was a hearing on the Legislative Audit Bureau’s report on elections administration, which I testified at, as you’ll see here:

A Few Points About the Audit Bureau Report on Elections

At the hearing Rep. Macco was incredibly rude to Meagan Wolfe, the staff director at the Wisconsin Elections Commission. It was disgusting to watch!

Then there was Ron Johnson speaking with Republican legislators after urging them last week to bypass the Wisconsin Elections Commission and just run the elections themselves!

Republicans in Wisconsin are going to keep whipping the dead horse about last November elections all the way through 2022 and maybe even up to 2024. That, too, is disgusting to watch.

OK, enough of the bad news.

matt-rothschild-2018Here’s some good news: My latest book, “12 Ways to Save Democracy in Wisconsin,” just came back from the printer, and goes on sale on Dec. 7.

You can pre-order today at the University of Wisconsin Press directly or you can order from Amazon.

Most of the proceeds go to the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign.

I hope you like the book, and I hope you have a nice weekend.


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director

Last Updated on Saturday, 13 November 2021 13:00
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