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An Independent Progressive Media Outlet

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Call to Action: Thursday! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Wednesday, 27 October 2021 10:16

wi-fair-maps-2021MADISON - If you’re concerned about the rigging of our voting district maps yet again by the Legislature, then I urge you to come to the State Capitol on Thursday, Oct. 28.

We’re having a press conference on the first floor (not ground floor) of the Capitol Rotunda at 8:30 a.m., and then the joint committee public hearing starts at 9:00 a.m. in Room 412E.

We hope you can attend the press conference and the hearing.

You can testify yourself if you’d like, but plan to keep testimony to 2-3 minutes. We ask that you RSVP here so the Wisconsin Fair Maps Coalition can plan for and track testimony--we are already gearing up for an overflow room. Whether or not you choose to testify, you should fill out a hearing slip when you get there and register as opposed. Volunteers will be available to assist.

The bills are SB621/AB624 for the Legislature’s two maps (Senate and Assembly).

And the bills for the Congressional maps are SB622/AB625.

All three maps would essentially cement in place the hyper-partisan, uncompetitive maps that we’ve been suffering under since 2011 for another decade! You can view the maps here.

If you cannot make the press conference or the hearing, please email your legislators and urge them to vote no on these bills. View an email directory for Assembly representatives and Senators here.

You can watch yesterday's Fair Maps Briefing video on Facebook to learn more about preparations for the hearing, including COVID protocols at the State Capitol. The hearing will be live streamed and recorded on

Thanks for your activism in favor of fair maps and in defense of our democracy!


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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Last Updated on Saturday, 30 October 2021 10:21
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