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New Investments to Support Local COVID-19 Pandemic Response and Recovery PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Friday, 17 September 2021 10:08

covid-19-restaurant-emptyMADISON — Gov. Tony Evers Thursday delivered the Democratic Radio Address highlighting new funding, made available through the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funding and Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund established by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), that will go to local and tribal health departments to continue their work responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and help ensure our state’s continued economic recovery.

Audio file of Radio Address.

Hey, Wisconsin! It’s Governor Tony Evers.

Since the very beginning of the pandemic, our local and tribal health departments have been on the frontlines of our state’s response to COVID-19.

Their tireless work has been essential in stopping the spread and keeping Wisconsinites as safe and informed as possible.

And, thanks to their hard work, we’ve been able to put our state in the best position possible to recover from the pandemic.

That’s why I was proud to announce $58.4 million in new funding for local and tribal health departments earlier this week.

This investment will support our local partners in the fight to combat COVID-19, help build a robust and equitable state, and ensure our continued economic recovery.

And these funds, made available thanks to the American Rescue Plan Act, add to the $106.5 million my administration has already allocated to local and tribal health departments for COVID-19 response activities in the year 2021.

Our local and tribal health departments have gone above and beyond this past year and a half.

This funding will help them continue keeping our families and our communities safe so we can put this pandemic behind us.

Thank you.

Last Updated on Saturday, 18 September 2021 10:18
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