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Gov. Evers: Welcoming Wisconsin Students Back to School PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Thursday, 02 September 2021 16:57

schools-reopeningMADISON — Gov. Tony Evers delivered the Democratic Radio Address on Thursday welcoming students across Wisconsin back to school and expressing gratitude to teachers, students, and school faculty for their hard work this past year to keep themselves and their communities safe.

Audio file of Radio Address.

tony-evers-students-backHi, Wisconsin teachers, staff, administrators, kids, and parents! Governor Tony Evers here welcoming you back to school this semester.

I hope you've had a chance to enjoy a safe and fun summer and you're ready for another great school year ahead of teaching, learning, collaborating, and creating.

There’s no doubt about it—the past couple semesters have been tough, and I know for a lot of folks this semester will be difficult, too.

Every semester over the last eighteen months has presented new challenges, and this semester promises to be different still.

But in the midst of all of that, I’m incredibly proud of how hard you’ve worked to always do your best, to support your friends and neighbors, and to help keep each other safe—and I know you’ll keep it up this semester, too!

Thank you for doing all you can to wear your masks, getting vaccinated if you can, and keeping your distance to help keep each other, your classrooms, and your communities healthy and safe.

I know if everyone masks up, stays safe, and continues to be good, kind, and respectful neighbors, we can get through this pandemic together.

So, with that, stay safe, study hard, and welcome back to school, Wisconsin!

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