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Governor Radio: Highlighting $50 Million in New Funding for Wisconsin Farmers PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Friday, 20 August 2021 10:40

wisc-dairy-farmMADISON — Gov. Tony Evers Thursday delivered the Democratic Radio Address highlighting a new round of the Wisconsin Farm Support Program including $50 million in direct payments to support Wisconsin farmers and agricultural producers. To date, the governor has earmarked a total of more than $100 million from federal coronavirus relief funds to support Wisconsin’s agricultural industries.

Audio file of Radio Address.

tony-eversHi, folks! Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers here.

I don’t have to tell you that the past 18 months have been especially challenging. This pandemic has hit our farmers and their families especially hard.

But despite these unprecedented challenges, Wisconsin farmers kept working tirelessly to keep food on our tables this past year.

Our agricultural industry remains a critical driver of the state’s economy and our workforce.

So, though our farmers are some of the most resilient folks in our state, we know we have to provide them with the support they need to thrive.

Earlier this week, I was excited to announce a new round of the Wisconsin Farm Support Program. This program will provide $50 million in direct payments, made available under the American Rescue Plan Act, to support our state’s farmers.

And, since these funds are unrestricted, farmers will be able to use them wherever they see fit—whether it's investing in innovative farming practices, conservation efforts, or just paying bills and making ends meet.

I also know folks have a busy harvest season coming up, which is why applications for these direct payments will open after the fall harvest, so there’s plenty of time for folks to learn about the program and apply.

Investing in our farmers is an investment in Wisconsin’s future.

With this new support, farmers and their families can get the resources they need to keep recovering from this pandemic and bounce back even stronger than before.

Thank you.

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