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Let Kids Play PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Friday, 28 May 2021 09:48

trans-athletes-rally-9-greg-andersonAnti-Trans bills would prohibit trans-youth from participating in high school or collegiate sports.

MADISON - Wednesday, the Senate Committee on Human Services, Children and Families heard two bills that would prohibit transgender youth from participating in high school and collegiate sports. Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released the following statement regarding the public hearing:

melissa-agard-sargent“All kids deserve to know and feel safe, loved, and that they are a part of our communities - no matter their identity. All kids deserve to participate in healthy activities that make them happy. These bills we heard today are cruel and will cause harm to trans-youth across the state. The simple proposal of these bills and the moving of them through the committee process will only cause harm to trans-youth.

“These are children who often feel as though they don’t belong - we are only further harming trans-youth. Studies have shown that having trans-inclusive policies does not harm cis-gendered children, but having trans-exclusive policies harms trans-youth significantly. These bills are born out of ignorance and transphobia. We need to be doing more to protect LGBTQ youth in Wisconsin and in fact do all we can to ensure they are treated fairly.

“To all transgender youth, I see you, I hear you, I celebrate you, and I will stand with you. I will be voting against this legislation and I will continue to oppose these discriminatory bills throughout the legislative process.”

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